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Check Out Our Schedule
Intro to Pole and Pole Foundations
This is where to start if you are new to pole or working on the foundations. Let’s start strengthening your skills with beginning spins and exploring movement with the pole. Even if you aren't new, this class is beneficial since it concentrates on the foundations pole is based upon. Learn the grips, leg hooks and holds that are widely used in pole while building strength and stamina.
Shorts and a tank top are recommended. Please bring your own yoga mat and avoid the use of lotion the day of class.
Masks are optional.
Pole Level 1
This class is for those who already have their pole foundations and fundamentals down and are ready to start putting them in to combos! Build strength and stamina by stringing together 3-4 moves on both static and spin in order to create a combo.
Requirement: fan kick, pole sit, being able to hold your knees to your chest for 5 seconds, holding a starting climb tuck position off of the floor for 5 seconds, a back hook spin, a front hook spin, a fireman spin, a chair spin, and 3 complete climbs on the pole with correct technique.
Masks are optional.
Pole Level 2
You’ve masted the fundamentals, so let’s start building your strength with drills and expanding your pole vocabulary with a variety of tricks that require inverting. Both static and spin pole will be a part of class.
Requirement: You must be able to safely invert from the floor by yourself on both sides, with proper technique.
Masks are optional.
Pole Level 3
Aerial inverts are where it’s at! It’s time to start challenging you by stringing together aerial combos made up of 3 or more moves. Both static and spin pole will be a part of class.
Requirement: You must be able to safely aerial invert by yourself on both sides, with proper technique.
Masks are optional.
Pole Level 4
Woohoo! You are SO strong! Let’s continue to cross off pole goals on your list by working on tricks that require only 2-points of contact. Both static and spin pole will be a part of class.
Requirement: You must be able to safely aerial invert by yourself on both sides, with proper technique, and string together at least 3 aerial moves to create a combo.
Masks are optional.
Pick a Trick
Are you working on a required move in order to advance to the next level? Do you have a trick you’ve been wanting to work on but need a spot? Let’s dive into the required moves you need to master in order to level up, or the moves you have saved on Instagram!
This is a great time for you to work on something you’ve learned in class (but need a spot) or have been wanting to learn. Students can request a move that’s within their poling capability and properly learn how to execute it.
This is an all-levels class.
The instructor will determine if the requested trick is within your pole capability or not.
Masks are optional.
Open Pole
Description goes hereOpen pole is a great time for you to practice what you've learned in class. There isn't any instruction during open pole.
We prohibit the use of this time for others to teach pole, choreography or any other fitness-related activity instruction for monetary compensation. Doing so will result in not being welcomed back to Rise and Climb.
Masks are optional.
Intro to Dance it Out (Choreography)
Whether it’s Sultry and Sexy or Contemporary and Flowy, we know how important it is to connect to the music and allow yourself to move. Depending on the class style, you may need heels, socks and leggings.
This is an Intro class, so previous dance or pole experience is not needed.
Kneepads are recommended.
Masks are optional.
Dance it Out (Choreography)
Whether it’s Sultry and Sexy or Contemporary and Flowy, we know how important it is to connect to the music and allow yourself to move.
Requirement: fan kick, pole sit, being able to hold your knees to your chest for 5 seconds, and holding a starting climb tuck position off of the floor for 5 seconds.
Depending on the class style, you may need heels, kneepads or leggings.
Masks are optional.
Foundational Dance and Heels Technique
Train your foundational dance skills to build strength and technique for dancing in heels. Familiarize yourself with body engagements that will allow you to learn choreography with proper technique and confidence.
Whether you come barefoot, in socks, or in heels, we will start with strengthening and muscle engagement, then transition into movement exploration using the techniques learned in class.
Socks are needed and kneepads are recommended for this all-levels class.
Masks are optional.
Hardstyle Heels Flow (Level 1)
Hardstyle Heels Flow is a class with fast-paced, energetic music and impressive choreography that often includes amazing tricks. It's perfect for anyone who wants to dive into this bold dance trend while still taking it at their own pace.
In this class, you'll learn the moves and transitions unique to hardstyle dance, practice semi-fast to fast routines, and master spectacular tricks—all while wearing heels.
Requirement: fan kick, pole sit, being able to hold your knees to your chest for 5 seconds, and holding a starting climb tuck position off of the floor for 5 seconds.
Knee pads and heels recommended.
Masks are optional.
Hardstyle Heels Flow (Level 2)
Hardstyle Heels Flow is a class with fast-paced, energetic music and impressive choreography that often includes amazing tricks. It's perfect for anyone who wants to dive into this bold dance trend while still taking it at their own pace.
In this class, you'll learn the moves and transitions unique to hardstyle dance, practice semi-fast to fast routines, and master spectacular tricks—all while wearing heels.
Requirement: Participants must be able to safely invert from the floor without a spot, and with proper technique.
Knee pads and heels recommended.
Masks are optional.
Basework Basics and Floorwork
Familiarize yourself with shifting your weight around and onto the pole to discover different movements, generate momentum, and create new flows. Movements that are introduced in Basework will be utilizing the pole starting from the base to standing height.
For floorwork, learn how to crawl, walk, and stand without the pole, in addition to forward and backward shoulder rolls, basic ways to come up and down the pole, and leg waves just to name a few.
This is an all-levels class.
Masks are optional.
Learn various ways to incorporate the chair into your movement. Moves on and off of the chair will be explored both with and without the pole. Depending on the class style, you may need heels and or leggings.
Kneepads are recommended.
Masks are optional.
Contemporary Pole
Learn to incorporate dance technique with pole to achieve a seamless combination. Fluid movement will be achieved by dance and pole fundamentals which are taught in this class.
The last 15 minutes are dedicated to learning choreography that builds each week as a 4-part series. A new choreographed routine will be taught every month.
This is an all-levels class. Kneepads and socks are recommended but not required.
Masks are optional.
Pole Silks
Aerial silks and pole are combined together to create an exhilarating, fun workout! For this class, aerial silks are attached to the top of the pole. Create the feeling of flying while exploring beautiful shapes and movement on the pole.
This is an all-levels class.
Masks are optional.
Handstands and Hand Balancing
Learn how to be comfortable upside down in this non-pole class while building shoulder and core strength. In this class, we will teach you the fundamentals of hand balancing and concentrate on drills in order to strengthen your handstand skills.
This is an All-Levels class, with no previous experience necessary.
Masks are optional.
Flexibility and Conditioning
A combo class that concentrates on both conditioning and flexibility! Class starts with conditioning in order to strengthen and increase your stamina while warming up the body. Use your body weight in various drills and exercises, then transition into a flexibility class, featuring both active and passive stretching in order to target different areas.
This is an all-levels class.
Masks are optional.
Restorative Full Body Stretching
Looking for a way to incorporate some relaxation after a challenging workout or stressful day? Our Restorative Full Body Stretching class is perfect for anyone looking to release tension and alleviate stress.
With targeted stretches, we focus on relieving tightness throughout your body, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Join us to experience the ultimate relaxation and flexibility. Open to all levels.
Masks are optional.
Climb, Invert, and Shoulder Mount Conditioning
Trying to achieve your climb, invert, or shoulder mount? This all-level conditioning class will feature exercises, drills, and techniques to strengthen the needed muscles needed to climb, invert, or shoulder mount.
Open to all levels.
Masks are optional.
Private Parties/Private Lessons/Studio Rental
Competition Team
If you’re thinking of competing, we’d love to add you to our competition team! We have a variety of informative classes, training sessions and private coaching help to get ready. No previous experience is required. Please email us if you are interested.
Find your own flow and let loose while drawing inspiration to move from within. In this class, you will be learning techniques that help you to discover personal body movement and awareness.You will be using a variety of props and prompts to help tap into your inner thoughts, feelings and emotions and add this movement to music.
This is an all-levels class. Previous dance experience is not required.
Masks are optional.