Pole Levels
Take our Pole Levels Quiz to find your level
Intro to Pole
This is where you start your journey! You will be learning basic fundamentals while familiarizing yourself with general movement on and around the pole. You will be working on strengthening your body in hopes to invert and move through elements and tricks with ease.
Pole Level 1
This class is for those who already have their pole foundations and fundamentals down and are ready to start putting them in to combos! Build strength and stamina by stringing together 3-4 moves on both static and spin in order to create a combo.
Requirement: Fan kick, Pole sit, being able to hold your knees to your chest for 5 seconds, and holding a starting climb tuck position off of the floor for 5 seconds, and 3 complete climbs on the pole. All moves need to be executed on both sides with correct technique.
Pole Level 2
If you can safely invert from the floor with proper technique without any assistance, this is the spot for you. You will be learning elements and moves that heavily rely on leg hooks while exploring more inverted shapes.
Requirement: Participants must be able to safely invert from the floor without a spot, and with proper technique on both sides.
Pole Level 3
This is where you belong if you can safely aerial invert with proper technique and without any assistance.
Requirement: Participants must be able to safely aerial invert without a spot, and with proper technique. Also, you must be comfortable in stringing together 2-3 aerial elements with proper technique, without assistance.
Pole Level 4
For this level, you need to be able to execute moves that include 1 to 2 -points of contact while inverted.
Requirement: Participants must be able to safely aerial invert from the floor without a spot, with proper technique, and string together at least 3 aerial moves to create a combo.